Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Retail Therapy

Retail therapy after few weeks of hectic!
Louis Vuitton Vernis Wilshire MM

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Watch Out Diabetic Patient!!!!

You never know that diabetic can cause chaotic in your life...don't take it simple and easy when you have family members that have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus...it was not just a diabetes but it is a SILENCE KILLER...

My writing is based on my experience...this is happened to my mum who is suddenly been diagnosed with dementia and heart disease..she had been diagnosed for her diabetes mellitus and hypertension for more than 10 years and has been taking medications for this since then...she had her first stroke when I was at 20 years old, which has weakened her right side of body..

Recently, her diabetes is uncontrollable even on insulin and medications...it just getting worst than better...tons and tons medicines going in her body but this have not helped at all...

It was all started about 3 weeks ago, when she complaint that she can't sleep for 3 days straight....this of course has caused her blood pressure rise and effect her diet routine...on the 4th day she has shown signed of memory loss....it was a sudden..really, without us imagine that this could happen to her...a short term memory loss..that's what the doctor has said..she can't remember that she has eaten when we fed her 5 mins before, constantly asking for her medicines even though we have given to her..she kept thinking and talking about her past rather than concentrating on what is happening now..

For past 10 years, she has seen the doctors in government's clinic & hospital for her treatment...the doctor never advise or treated her for heart check up....the most that she has done was a blood and urine test...the MOST thing that you as a diabetic patient should know that diabetic can cause your kidney, heart, eyesight and brain damage...this is when you don't control your diabetic...

I have to admit and believe that because of my ignorance that my mum has came to this stage...I'm keep telling to myself that if I knew and paid extra attention this would not happen to my mum.....sadly, we live in world of IT and have been fed with so many sources and information and this should have helped us more than we should know...how stupid am I!!!

Back to my mum story...when she had her mild stroke attack, I decided to send her to government clinic to see her regular doctor for her advise and at the same time to seek her guidance on the medicines...the doctor at that time did not mention that my mum's condition is critical and she just gave a referral letter for my mum to see a specialist in Selayang Hospital...she did mention my mum could have a mild stroke attack and a CT brain  should be done..

Unfortunately, to see a specialist in government hospital you would need to make an appointment..we have to wait for about 2 weeks to see the doctor..and another 2 months to conduct the CT brain...well, the doctor might see my mum's condition is not critical which I don't think so...after 1 week my mum's consultation with the specialist in Selayang Hospital, I decided to bring my mum to see a specialist in a private hospital...a specialist in diabetic, an Endocrinologist who I prayed to help me and my mum..

The first time we met the doctor, I have been scolded by the doctor...he said that I have been ignorance about my mum conditions...I should have brought her to Emergency when the first stroke attacked her....I DID NOT KNOW!!! that is what I have been telling the doctor...the doctor in government hospital never advise me to do so, the doctor in Selayang Hospital never emphasized about a mild stroke that should have been treated urgently..well, the doctor was surprised and speechless with my remarks on these doctors..he was probably shocked with the consultation that these doctors in government hospital have provided to us..

Well, nothing much we can do on this right?? We just proceed with what we should have done...immediately the doctor had instructed the blood and urine test, x-ray, ECG and CT brain are conducted on my mum...he told the lab and his nurse to produce the result within 2 hours, which I don't need to wait for 2 months....wow!!! totally proactive and efficient...thats the different a doctor in government hospital (which I understand they have to cater so many patients) and a doctor in a private hospital...

The results from all the tests done on my mum were very unexpected...her CT brain shown sign of stroke and so much nerves that has damaged or dead, her ECG reading was not good and there was sign of heart problem...the doctor has referred my mum to a Cardiologist for further check-up/test and a Neurologist who is specialized and would help to advise on how to handle a dementia patient..

I'm praying for my mum to get better and even better than before...I'm controlling her diet, making sure medications are taken properly and at the same time trying any sort of other remedies that I think would be good for her..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Mum

It has been a while since my last entry....I was busy handling and taking care of my mum. She suddenly had mild stroke attack and loss her memory..It was a shock to all of us..knowing that my mum has diabetic & hypertension, we never knew that uncontrolled diabetic & hypertension can cause of memory loss..

Everything changed in our life...my mum is not like before..we have to take care of her like a child, where you have to monitor where she goes, what she does, what she eat, etc..I can't leave my mum unaccompanied..well I guess this our pay back time..She took care of us whole of her life, now is our time to do our part as a child.

I have hired an Indonesian maid to take care of my mum (just hired last saturday)...so right now is praying to God for her JP Visa Application is approved by Immigration, so that I can legalise and get her work permit. I'm also praying to God that this maid will take good care of my mum while I'm not around...nothing is more important than to see my mum healthy and attended very well...even more important than MONEY!!....I'm really miss all the moments with my mum when she is still in good health :( - even though we always have quarrel a lot!